Monday, March 16, 2009

So last Thursday was a good day. After working Sunday through Wednesday, I finally got a day off. And not just half a day off, but the full day. The whole thing. It was amazing. So I decided to go to the Thursday night "Ohana Community Gathering" at YWAM. I left shortly after it started to go see Slumdog Millionaire. But that's beside the point. In that short time that I was at the meeting, there was worship, some prayer, and the speaker started to speak. I really only got a small tiny smidgen of what he was talking about, but what he said struck a chord in my heart that totally ruined me. In a good way.

"The church in Acts is not what we should aspire to become. The church in Acts was the church in its infancy." Wow. We look at the Bible and read the book of Acts and read about tongues, flames on their heads, sings and wonders, miracles, healings, etc... and we think "wow, look at them. They are awesome. They are so holy. And godly." yes they were. But they were "infants," so to speak. They were the very beginnings of the Church. Flash forward 2000 years. Where are we now? We are bickering about whether speaking in tongues is spiritually "ok." We're arguing about whether or not we should be prophecying in the church. Or worse, we aren't addressing these issues at all. WHY NOT!?! God gave those to us as gifts. So use them! haha.

But here we are. 2000 years later. and it seems that we've digressed to a pre-infant state of mind. Where tongues is off limits. Where prophecy is a "oh-so-holy act." Geez luize. Get with it. come on. Grow up!

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