Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obey Dammit!

Do you ever have those moments when you think of something that you should do. Like... not, "oh I should go and change my toothbrush today." But times when you have to make a decision? For example, you're sitting at a table, minding your own business, when someone who was walking by trips and drops everything they are holding. At this point you have a couple different options. 1) get up and help the person gather his/her things, and then send him/her on his/her way. Or 2) think, " gee, what a shame. Someone should help them," and then turn back to what you are doing. You know, not you think, but you know for a fact that the better thing to do would be option 1. But you vacillate between thoughts of "alright if nobody else gets up, I'll help him. Get off your lazy butt and go help him. But... I'm really too lazy too... But, on the other hand, it'd be the right thing to do." And so you think "alright, I'm gonna help." But he's already gathered his things and started to leave. Or worse yet, somebody else has gotten up and started to help, thus making you feel like a shmuck for not being the person to help.

This happens to me so much. But not in this kind of situation. The situations that it happens to me are in situations of obedience to the Big Man Upstairs. Example is as follows. I was sitting... standing in the prayer room at the YWAM base. They were praying and interceding for Amsterdam, one of the teams here is going there for outreach. I almost immediately got a word from Ezekiel about God telling Ezekiel to breath life into the bones. To prophecy the breath into the bones to make them come alive. But I didn’t go and share it. I didn’t get the chance to. I was waiting around for too long to get to do it. I was thinking “Well, this is YWAM, everyone hears the cliche word that '(insert location here) is dead, and we need to breath life into it.' So I justs feel dumb for sharing.” So I didn’t share. So, God had someone else do it for me. And I realized, God won’t wait for you to obey. I mean, to an extent he will. But if you aren’t willing to step out and speak His words, he’ll use someone else to get the message across.

God wants to use you. Use me. But if we're not bold enough to say, "Ok, I don't care what people think. Let's do it." then God won't be able to use you. Sure you can do stuff, but not nearly to the magnitude of what God has for us. He wants to use us. He wants us to glorify Him by obeying what He tell us. But when we're too lazy, insecure, or just plain stubborn, nothing is gonna happen. God's not gonna let your stubborness and lack of willingness to step out in faith hinder His work. So if you don't act, He'll use somebody who will. But He so desperately wants to use you. Use me. So why not help it along by not being so stubborn and self concious? Haha. That's my little, rant for the day. It was fun.

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