Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So since I've been back in Hawaii, I've seen friends, ate a lot of great food, had some laughs, had some.. well, no cries yet, but you never know. They might come. But I've realised a lot being here, and not Malaysia. In life, so many things are taken for granted. For example; in Malaysia we have McDelivery. Yes, delivery for McDonalds. Here in Hawaii, we do not. But in all seriousness, I've realised that so much of the time you don't recognise what you really have until you are without it. Basic things like McDelivery, or easy transportation, to other things like deep meaningful relationships with people that you really trust, honor, and respect. Yes, those relationships aren't just broken when you leave or part ways, but there is something that changes. Also, when you go to live somewhere foreign to you, you realise how much you rely on simple treasures in life. Hot water for example. Consistent electricity. Air-conditioning. And the privilege of being able to go to sleep without having to worry about mosquitoes, spiders, centipedes, and other creatures crawling into bed with you and then leaving the next morning like a one night stand.

But so often we do overlook these things. We take them for granted. We see them as things that we are entitled to and don't appreciate them. We jump for the big things. Like, having a really good job that we can make lots of money and gain respect from. We study hard to have the best grades in school to achieve academic recognition. We strive to have the best things. That phrase "he who dies with the most toys wins" has become so evident in our lives. Life is now about personal gain. And that's not wrong. But we just always want to see how high we can put ourselves, and how much we can love ourselves. And how much other people can love us. We try to milk the joys out of life. But as we do this, we simply miss out on everything else that this world has to offer us. Like walking around in the sun. Pop tarts and bagel bites. Back scratches. And hot showers.

So. i don't really know what the point of all this was. but. I'll try to leave it with a tasty one liner. Don't overlook life's small joys while searching for the big ones.

And here's a little joy that I found.

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